Tag Archives: first 100 days

Elon students grade Obama’s first 100 days as president

by Amy McLeod

As President Barack Obama finished his first 100 days in office, political analysts are grading the work he has done and the progress he has made.

Elon students are also getting in on the action.


Elon students give President Obama high marks

Freshman Grant de Roo gave President Obama a “solid B+.”

“I think he’s done a good job,” de Roo said. “He’s gotten a little sidetracked by smaller things like these Guantanamo trials, but overall I definitely think he’s doing well.”

De Roo voted for Obama in the November election. Freshman Gina Maini did not vote for Obama but is also pleased with the job he has done for the first 100 days.

“I think Obama has done very well in the diplomacy front,” Maini said. “They’ve completely changed from how the Bush administration handled diplomacy to how they’re doing diplomacy now, which I like.”

With all the campaign promises that politicians make, the first 100 days can be a time where those promises are realized or are disregarded.

“I think, as far as the war goes,” said Elon junior Beth Pazar, “he’s maintained what Bush was doing.  He hasn’t done anything drastic like he said he would.  Our economy is recovering from the downward spiral it was in for the past eight year.  I think it’s just a matter of time before it’s healthy again.”

Pazar gave Obama an “A-” for his first 100 days in office.

“He’s not doing any damage and that’s a very good thing,” Pazar said.

Elon sophomore Matthew Woodward praised Obama for the job he has done.

“I think he’s done well,” Woodward said, “especially for the magnitude of this election.  He’s handled himself well and has gotten off to a good start.  I’m excited for the next 4 years.”

What do the experts think?

Elon students seem to be on the same page as many political analysts.  CNN gave the president a “B,” and a “B+” for the way he has handled the recent swine flu crisis.

According to Fox News, a stereotypically conservative news organization, Obama has done well his first 100 days.

Obama’s approval ratings and grade after his first 100 days are very similar to the numbers George W. Bush had in  2001.

Listen to what Gina Maini has to say about Obama’s first 100 days in office.