Good news about the swine flu, Elon students remain concerned

by Amy McLeod

The federal government has been holding daily press conferences to update Americans on the status of the H1N1 “swine flu” outbreak.

At Monday’s press conference, Department of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano said “we have started to see encouraging signs that this virus may be mild and that its spread may be limited.”

‘Cautiously Optimistic’

“We are cautiously optimistic,” Napolitano said, “but we realize that this is not the time to rest.”

Many students have visited Elon's health center because of the swine flu scare.

Many students have visited Elon's health center because of the swine flu scare.

Despite this good news, Elon students are still very aware and nervous about the possibility of catching the swine flu.

“Every time I hear someone cough or say they don’t feel well,” said sophomore Taylor Burns, “I immediately think they have the swine flu and I make a mental note to stay far, far away from them.”

In North Carolina, there is only one confirmed case of the H1N1 strain with seven probable cases.

“I was in the health center today for a sinus infection and it was packed with people,” said sophomore Kate Balderston. “I think everyone is scared of the swine flu.  Anyone with a cough or cold is getting checked out.”

How to avoid the ‘swine flu’

With 15 confirmed cases in South Carolina, those students who traveled south of the border for fraternity banquets this weekend made sure to stay cautious and careful.

“I thought about taking a mask with me,” joked sophomore Aaron Richards, “but I thought it might just be easier and less awkward to take some hand sanitizer.”

The key to keeping the virus contained is a joint responsibility of individuals, families, businesses and the government at all levels.swine1

“Individuals have a responsibility to cover your mouth with you cough,” Napolitano said, “to not go to work or send you child to school if your child is sick or are sick, to wash your hands continuously or use an alcohol gel.”

There are 286 cases of the H1N1 strain in 36 states and approximately 1,000 cases nationwide.

While this flu is discovered to be no more dangerous than the normal influenza strain, there is a chance that the H1N1 epidemic could die down this season and come back in fall with flu season.

One response to “Good news about the swine flu, Elon students remain concerned

  1. It’s really smart to get this localized version of a national story into your portfolio. Nice work on it! To dress it up visually you could possibly use a map that shows the number of confirmed cases in each state. Or you could just make a small graphic with a list of the 10 states with the most reported cases.

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